WP #181 - What You Need to Know about Findaway Voices Terms of Service Update

"Not everything that is faced can be changed; but nothing can be changed until it is faced." —James Baldwin (As Much Truth As One Can Bear, New York Times)

Dear Reader,

If you're writing a book, you will relate to the gif below.

This week has been rough on my writing schedule because of four medical appointments. Four!

Even if your schedule isn't a wreck, writing is hard work and there is a lot to learn, not just about the craft but about the business of writing.

Today's topic is centered on audiobook distribution with a focus on the recent brouhaha about the new Terms of Service for Findaway Voices by Spotify.

Let me start with this caveat: I don't have any audiobooks in my backlist. Yet! But one of my goals is to create audiobooks from the books I have written.

That said, I am trying to stay up to date on what it takes to produce and distribute audiobooks, and you should too. The same goes for translations.

Get acquainted with the new Findaway Voices Terms of Service (TOS).

IF YOU CURRENTLY have audiobooks on Findaway Voices by Spotify, please note the Findaway Voices Terms of Service (TOS) are changing. Recently, they announced changes to their TOS, and all hell broke loose.

This week's question is: Are you an author affected by the recent Findaway Voices Terms of Service update? Please share.

Reply to ​kmckee@writingpursuits.com​. I look forward to your answers.

New! Try the Suggestion Box

What are your burning questions about writing craft and the business of writing? I want to address your pressing concerns, so you are invited to enter your questions and suggestions into the SUGGESTION BOX. (Google Form)

Thanks for reading this week's tips.
Keep writing!

Kathrese McKee
Owner, Writing Pursuits LLC

P.S. - Request a free 15-minute consultation. I'm here to help!

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