WP #183 - How to Find a Reputable Small Press

Dear Reader,

This week, I did not set out to revisit the City Owl Press controversy, but here we are.

Small presses fill a necessary niche in the publishing world today, but finding a reputable small press is not a straightforward process.

The recent kerfuffle at City Owl Press underlines how difficult the choice can be.

Please read How to Find a Reputable Small Press because I know that not everyone wants to go indie, and your decision may vary on a book-by-book basis.

Today's post contains loads of additional resources and tips.

“Next to trying and winning, the best thing is trying and failing.”
—L. M. Montgomery,
Anne of Green Gables

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This week's question is: Are you interested in indie publishing, or are you more interested in finding a publisher? Please share.

Reply to ​kmckee@writingpursuits.com​. I look forward to your answers.

Thanks for reading this week's tips.
Keep writing!

Kathrese McKee
Owner, Writing Pursuits LLC

P.S. - Request a free 15-minute consultation. I'm here to help!

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